Deskmat Mousepad QwertyKey Chess 4mm stitched edges

Sale Price$29.00

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Technical specifications
Waterproof (water resistant - it can be washed, but it will lose its water resistance).
The bottom is made of rubber for a better grip
Stitched edges
The upper part is made of premium canvas
Design custom QwertyKey

Deskmat Chess

Combining modern aesthetics with functionality, each Qwertykey deskmat features a unique design created by our talented designers to provide a distinctive and personalized look to your workspace.



Made to resist water, this deskmat is ideal for protecting your workspace from accidental spills. Although water resistant, gentle washing is recommended to preserve this property in the long term.


Premium canvas

Made with a high-quality cloth, the deskmat ensures a smooth and durable surface. The fine texture of the premium canvas contributes to a pleasant and efficient use experience.


Comfort and Ergonomic Quality

This deskmat combines comfort with an ergonomic design to ensure pleasant long-term use. Its smooth surface and generous size reduce wrist and forearm strain, promoting proper posture while working or playing. The optimal thickness provides comfortable support, reducing fatigue and improving the overall user experience, whether it's intense gaming or prolonged workloads.


Generous size

With dimensions of 900x400mm, this deskmat offers ample space for mouse movements, ensuring that you will not go beyond its limit even during the most intense work or game moments.


4mm thickness

The thickness of 4mm not only adds extra comfort, but also contributes to improving the acoustics of the keyboard, providing a pleasant tactile and sound response during use.


Back Rubber

Equipped with a rubberized back, the deskmat provides excellent grip on the table surface, preventing accidental sliding and stabilizing both the mouse and keyboard during use.


Stitched Edges

Carefully stitched edges not only add to the deskmat's durability, but also contribute to a finished look, preventing the edges from fraying or fraying over time.


Deskmat Chess

Combining modern aesthetics with functionality, each Qwertykey deskmat features a unique design created by our talented designers to provide a distinctive and personalized look to your workspace.



Made to resist water, this deskmat is ideal for protecting your workspace from accidental spills. Although water resistant, gentle washing is recommended to preserve this property in the long term.


Premium canvas

Made with a high-quality cloth, the deskmat ensures a smooth and durable surface. The fine texture of the premium canvas contributes to a pleasant and efficient use experience.


Comfort and Ergonomic Quality

This deskmat combines comfort with an ergonomic design to ensure pleasant long-term use. Its smooth surface and generous size reduce wrist and forearm strain, promoting proper posture while working or playing. The optimal thickness provides comfortable support, reducing fatigue and improving the overall user experience, whether it's intense gaming or prolonged workloads.


Generous size

With dimensions of 900x400mm, this deskmat offers ample space for mouse movements, ensuring that you will not go beyond its limit even during the most intense work or game moments.


4mm thickness

The thickness of 4mm not only adds extra comfort, but also contributes to improving the acoustics of the keyboard, providing a pleasant tactile and sound response during use.


Back Rubber

Equipped with a rubberized back, the deskmat provides excellent grip on the table surface, preventing accidental sliding and stabilizing both the mouse and keyboard during use.


Stitched Edges

Carefully stitched edges not only add to the deskmat's durability, but also contribute to a finished look, preventing the edges from fraying or fraying over time.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
10/10 Recomand :)

Acesta este al doilea deskmat pe care îl iau de la QwertyKey, primul fiind modelul Liftoff, care mi-a plăcut enorm. Singurul motiv pentru care am făcut schimbarea a fost că mi-am refăcut complet setup-ul și voiam ceva care să se potrivească mai bine cu noua temă. Modelul Chess arată fantastic, cu nuanțele sale de verde deschis și accentele albe, aducând un aer fresh și elegant biroului meu. Grosimea de 4mm oferă acelasi confort pe care îl știam deja, marginea cusută îi asigură durabilitatea, iar baza anti-alunecare îl menține perfect pe loc. Are un spațiu generos si e ideal pentru tastatură și mouse, iar combinația de culori chiar face deskmat-ul să iasă în evidență. Sunt foarte mulțumită de alegere și îl recomand cu drag!

Andrei Dima
Îmi cer scuze ca am trăit 28 de ani fără să știu ce înseamnă un deskmat

Inca din titlu, scriu acest review pentru a-mi cere scuze de la zeii calculatoarelor din cauza faptului ca la cei 28 de ani pe care ii am(ultimii 18 petrecând-ui in jurul calculatorului), nu am știut ce este un deskmat. Am primit modelul acesta ca si cadou, din partea unui prieten. Sunt extrem de încântat de aspect, calitate, dar si de senzația pe care o ai atunci când miști mouse-ul pe el. In tot acești ani, cred ca am schimbat zeci de mouse pade-uri, de la modelele cu pisici din anii 2005/2006, pana la cele de gaming din anii 2022/2023, dar cel mai plăcut feeling, mi l-a dat acest deskmat. In concluzie, recomand pentru utilizarea on daily basis, dar si pentru gaming. Totodata, mi se pare o idee foarte buna pentru cadou de tip “Secret Santa”, onomastica sau zile de naștere. Sunt convins ca distantarul îl va aprecia!

Cezar Valentin Guramulta
Raport calitate / feeling excelent

O sa incep cu marimea care este extrem de potrivita pentru oricine , chiar daca este vorba de gaming sau de programare , mousepadul are un material care nu irita pielea pe termen lung , materialul este foarte delicat , marginile cusute nici nu se simt cand treci cu pana peste ele . Overall e un mousepad genial

Cosmin Vidreanu

Este superb Deskmat chess ,păcat ca nu am primit o figurină şah):