Delivery and International Delivery
All of our products are shipped from our EU warehouse in Romania via secure, tracked shipping methods, including DHL Express and Packeta for international orders.
If you need to cancel or adjust your order, please contact us as soon as possible via any of the methods listed on our website. Be sure to include your order number and details about your request.
While we strive to accommodate changes, please note that adjustments may not always be possible depending on the order’s status.Please allow 1-2 business days for order processing. In most cases, we process and ship orders on the same day, but during peak seasons or periods with high order volumes, slight delays may occur.
Once your order is dispatched, you will receive a tracking link via email, allowing you to monitor its progress.
Delivery times are estimated and depend on your location and the shipping method chosen at checkout, the table below will help you pick the right shipping method and a general price estimation for each country:
QwertyKey International Shipping Rates
Country / Region | Shipping Method | Law | EUR (€) | USD ($) | Delivery Time |