Deskmat Подложка за мишка QwertyKey Octopus Yellow 4 mm зашити ръбове

Sale Price$28.00

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Водоустойчив, може да се пере, но ще загуби своята водоустойчивост

Премиум платно

Горната част е изработена от първокласно платно

Гладка повърхност

Ергономичен комфорт и качество


900x400 mm (много голям размер, мишката не излиза от него) 

Дебелина 4 mm

Много дебел, помага за акустиката на клавиатурата

Гумен гръб

За по-добро сцепление на масата

Зашити ръбове

Технически спецификации
Водоустойчив (водоустойчив - може да се пере, но ще загуби своята водоустойчивост).
Долната част е изработена от гума за по-добър захват
Зашити ръбове
Горната част е изработена от първокласно платно
900x400x4 mm
Персонализиран дизайн на QwertyKey
Deskmat Mousepad QwertyKey Octopus Galben 4mm margini cusute Deskmats QwertyKey

Deskmat Octopus Yellow

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Deskmat Mousepad QwertyKey Octopus Galben 4mm margini cusute Deskmats QwertyKey

Premium canvas

Made with a high-quality cloth, the deskmat ensures a smooth and durable surface. The fine texture of the premium canvas contributes to a pleasant and efficient use experience.


Comfort and Ergonomic Quality

This deskmat combines comfort with an ergonomic design to ensure pleasant long-term use. Its smooth surface and generous size reduce wrist and forearm strain, promoting proper posture while working or playing. The optimal thickness provides comfortable support, reducing fatigue and improving the overall user experience, whether it's intense gaming or prolonged workloads.

Deskmat Mousepad QwertyKey Octopus Galben 4mm margini cusute Deskmats QwertyKey

Generous size

With dimensions of 900x400mm, this deskmat offers ample space for mouse movements, ensuring that you will not go beyond its limit even during the most intense work or game moments.

Deskmat Mousepad QwertyKey Octopus Galben 4mm margini cusute Deskmats QwertyKey

4mm thickness

The thickness of 4mm not only adds extra comfort, but also contributes to improving the acoustics of the keyboard, providing a pleasant tactile and sound response during use.


Back Rubber

Equipped with a rubberized back, the deskmat provides excellent grip on the table surface, preventing accidental sliding and stabilizing both the mouse and keyboard during use.

Deskmat Mousepad QwertyKey Octopus Galben 4mm margini cusute Deskmats QwertyKey

Stitched Edges

Carefully stitched edges not only add to the deskmat's durability, but also contribute to a finished look, preventing the edges from fraying or fraying over time.


Deskmat Octopus Yellow

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Заглавие 2

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Premium canvas

Made with a high-quality cloth, the deskmat ensures a smooth and durable surface. The fine texture of the premium canvas contributes to a pleasant and efficient use experience.


Comfort and Ergonomic Quality

This deskmat combines comfort with an ergonomic design to ensure pleasant long-term use. Its smooth surface and generous size reduce wrist and forearm strain, promoting proper posture while working or playing. The optimal thickness provides comfortable support, reducing fatigue and improving the overall user experience, whether it's intense gaming or prolonged workloads.


Generous size

With dimensions of 900x400mm, this deskmat offers ample space for mouse movements, ensuring that you will not go beyond its limit even during the most intense work or game moments.


4mm thickness

The thickness of 4mm not only adds extra comfort, but also contributes to improving the acoustics of the keyboard, providing a pleasant tactile and sound response during use.


Back Rubber

Equipped with a rubberized back, the deskmat provides excellent grip on the table surface, preventing accidental sliding and stabilizing both the mouse and keyboard during use.


Stitched Edges

Carefully stitched edges not only add to the deskmat's durability, but also contribute to a finished look, preventing the edges from fraying or fraying over time.

Deskmat Mousepad QwertyKey Octopus Galben 4mm margini cusute Deskmats QwertyKeyDeskmat Mousepad QwertyKey Octopus Galben 4mm margini cusute Deskmats QwertyKeyDeskmat Mousepad QwertyKey Octopus Galben 4mm margini cusute Deskmats QwertyKeyDeskmat Mousepad QwertyKey Octopus Galben 4mm margini cusute Deskmats QwertyKeyDeskmat Mousepad QwertyKey Octopus Galben 4mm margini cusute Deskmats QwertyKey

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews

Foarte high quality,foarte gros,culorile foarte vibrante,,se simte foarte bine la atingere,printul este foarte clar,cusaturile sunt realizate foarte bine.Urmeza sa achizitione si keycaps cu aceeasi tema.<3

Very cute deskmat 💓

Este mult mai drăguț în realitate 💓. Moale, fin, se pliază perfect, super colorat și super super cute. Mi-a venit cheful de muncă când mi-am văzut biroul gata🫢.

Deci dacă vrei sa îți animezi biroul, să îți creezi un spațiu care să fie atât practic, dar și să îți ofere bună dispoziție, this is the right choice.