JWK Durock Dolphin Silent суичове

Намалена цена цена_мин$1.00

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Switches Lubrication

Тиха алпака, облечена в други цветове.

Технически спецификации:

  • Този модел е съвместим с клавиатури за гореща смяна с 5 пина.
  • Превключете Linear Silent от Durock
  • MX стил
  • 5 пина
  • Предварително смазан от фабриката
  • Пружина: 62g
  • Операция: 2 mm
  • Ход: 3,8 mm
  • Позлатен лък
  • Поликарбонатен горен корпус
  • Па найлонова долна обвивка
  • POM стебло

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Andrei Ardelean
Foarte silentioase

Aveam Cherry MX Silent Red si erau destul de silentioase dar acestea sunt mult mai silentioase. Tastatura mea nu este hot-swappable asa ca a trebuit sa desudez switchurile vechi cu pistolul si pompa de fludor, apoi sa sudez aceste switchuri. Cateva butoane nu au functionat deoarece s-a degradat PCB-ul tastaturii la dezlipire, nu era de la switch. Pana la urma am rezolvat cu un fir jumper in acelasi matrix de la alt buton.


Sunt niște switch-uri foarte bune

soicanel soicanel

Switchuri JWK Durock Dolphin Silent

Adrian Andronache

Numai ca nu se potrivesc la tastatura mea , și n-am ce să fac cu ele

Gheorghe Dobrescu
Not the best kind of switch

I ordered this switch, together with Gateron Oil King. I have kept the Oil King, the Dolphins have a metallic clink for some keys, the keystroke is mushy, and generally it feels cheap. I mistype considerably with the Dolphins and the keypress is not satisfacatroy. Qwertykey shop is good, they have a collection of switches you can pick from, and that's really pleasing, you can always grab something to fit your needs. I think that if you order something like a KeyChron keyboard, you're best of sticking with Gateron switches