Állítsa be az ízt QwertyKey LiftOff Profil XDA Material PBT

Csökkentett ár ár_min$43.00
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EGYEDI DESIGN Létrehozva Nagybányán

Profil: XDA

PBT anyag

A billentyűk nem kopnak el idővel, és a kulcsjelmagyarázatok sem tűnnek el

PBT Dye Sub

A DYE Sub technológia elfogadott minőségi szabványai

Műszaki adatok:

  • Termék: QwertyKey Lift Off Keyboard Keyset (billentyűzárak)
  • Elrendezés támogatása: ANSI + ISO (olyan billentyűket tartalmaz, mint a shift 1,75U + 1U Alt, Ctrl, FN – lásd az utolsó képet)
  • Szín: lila-fehér-rózsaszín
  • Anyag: PBT, 1,55 mm vastag
  • Profil: XDA
  • Világosan áttetsző: Nem támogatja


  • Ez a billentyűkódkészlet az XDA-profil.
  • A legtöbb kapcsolóhoz használható, például: Cherry MX, Gateron, Kailh és minden olyan billentyűzet, amely támogatja az MX stílusokat.

Customer Reviews

Based on 16 reviews
Balazs Varga
Beautiful keycaps

These keycaps are absolutely beautiful and they have a nice "sandy" texture. I'm using an ISO UK Keychron K4 and the keycaps fit perfectly, the only missing cap is the # key at the left of the ISO enter, but there are multiple 1u caps, so you can get creative. Both of the space keys are straight. The packaging is really nicely designed too. Overall I was really surprised by the quality of the keycaps and the package, I wasn't expecting it to be this high quality. Highly recommended!

Balazs Varga
Beautiful keycaps

These keycaps are absolutely beautiful and they have a nice "sandy" texture. I'm using an ISO UK Keychron K4 and the keycaps fit perfectly, the only missing cap is the # key at the left of the ISO enter, but there are multiple 1u caps, so you can get creative. Both of the space keys are straight. The packaging is really nicely designed too. Overall I was really surprised by the quality of the keycaps and the package, I wasn't expecting it to be this high quality. Highly recommended!

Bularca Radu
Cele mai bune keycapuri care le-am cumpărat până acum!

Am cumpărat aceste keycapuri acum 2 săptămâni și pot sa zic ca sunt excelente mai ales materialul din care sunt făcute Alex de la qwertykey a făcut o treabă foarte bună la aceste keycapuri,am pus keycapurile acestea pe o tastatură gk61x cu gateron optical yellow switches si sunetul este incredibil.

Bularca Radu
Cele mai bune keycapuri care le-am cumpărat până acum!

Am cumpărat aceste keycapuri acum 2 săptămâni și pot sa zic ca sunt excelente mai ales materialul din care sunt făcute Alex de la qwertykey a făcut o treabă foarte bună la aceste keycapuri,am pus keycapurile acestea pe o tastatură gk61x cu gateron optical yellow switches si sunetul este incredibil.

Extraordinar de frumos

Foarte frumoase cu iluminația se merită o așa achiziție